Isoptera (;Termites);
Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B.
Volume 1 | pp 1 - 672
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Systematic Index
- History of Termite Classification
- Diagnostic Characters of the Living Families of Termites
- Keys for the Identification of Living Termite Families
- Descriptions of Families, Genera and Species
- 1. Characters of Family Kalotermitidae
- 2. Distribution and Composition of Kalotermitidae
- 3. Biology of Kalotermitidae
- 4. Indian Region Genera of Kalotermitidae
- Genus 3. Postelectrotermes Krishna
- Genus 4. Neotermes Holmgren
- 1. Characters of Genus Neotermes
- 2. Distribution and Composition of Neotermes
- 3. Indian Region Species of Neotermes
- 11. Neotermes adampurensis Akhtar
- 12. Neotermes andamanensis Snyder
- 13. Neotermes artocarpi (Haviland)
- 14. Neotermes assmuthi Holmgren
- 15. Neotermes bosei Snyder
- 16. Neotermes buxensis Roonwal and Sen-Sarma
- 17. Neotermes dhirendrai Bose
- 18. Neotermes eleanorae Bose
- 19. Neotermes fletcheri Holmgren and Holmgren
- 20. Neotermes greeni (Desneux)
- 21. Neotermes kalimpongensis Maiti.
- 22. Neotermes kemneri Roonwal and Sen-Sarma
- 23. Neotermes Keralai Roonwal and Verma
- 24. Neotermes krishnai Bose.
- 25. Neotermes mangiferae Roonwal and Sen-Sarma
- 26. Neotermes megaoculatus Roonwal and Sen-Sarma
- 26a. Neotermes megaoculatus megaoculatus Roonwal and Sen-Sarma
- 26b. Neotermes megaoculatus lakhimpuri Roonwal and Sen-Sarma
- 27. Neotermes microculatus Roonwal and Sen-Sarma
- 28. Neotermes nilamburensis Thakur
- 29. Neotermes paratensis Sen-Sarma and Thakur
- 30. Neotermes prosonneratiae Akhtar
- 31. Neotermes shimogensis Thakur
- 32. Neotermes venkateshwara Bose
- Genus 5. Kalotermes Hagen
- Genus 6. Glyptotermes Froggatt
- 1. Characters of Genus Glyptotermes
- 2. Distribution and Composition of Glyptotermes
- 3. Indian Region Species of Glyptotermes
- 34. Glyptotermes almorensis Gardner
- 35. Glyptotermes arshadi Akhtar
- 36. Glyptotermes ceylonicus Holmgren
- 37. Glyptotermes coorgensis Holmgren and Holmgren
- 38. Glyptotermes dilatatus (Bugnion and Popoff)
- 39. Glyptotermes minutus Kemner
- 40. Glyptotermes nicobarensis Maiti and Chakraborty
- 41. Glyptotermes sensarmai Maiti
- 42. Glyptotermes teknafensis Akhtar
- 43. Glyptotermes tikaderi Chhotani and Bose
- 44. Glyptotermes tripurensis Thakur
- 45. Glyptotermes ukhiaensis Akhtar
- Genus 7. Calcaritermes Snyder
- Genus 8. Incisitermes Krishna
- Genus 9. Bifiditermes Krishna
- Genus 10. Epicalotermes Silvestri
- Genus 11. Procryptotermes Holmgren
- Genus 12. Cryptotermes Banks
- 1. Characters of Family Rhinotermitidae
- 2. Distribution and Composition of Rhinotermitidae
- 3. Subfamilies of Rhinotermitidae
- Subfamily (i) Psammotermitinae Holmgren
- Subfamily (ii) Coptotermitinae Holmgren
- 1. Characters of Subfamily Coptotermitinae
- 2. Distribution and Composition of Coptotermitinae
- Genus 14. Coptotermes Wasmann
- 1. Characters of Genus Coptotermes
- 2. Distribution and Composition of Coptotermes
- 3. Indian Region Species of Coptotermes
- 61. Coptotermes beckeri Mathur and Chhotani
- 62. Coptotermes ceylonicus Holmgren
- 63. Coptotermes emersoni Ahmad
- 64. Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki
- 65. Coptotermes gaurii Roonwal and Krishna
- 66. Coptotermes gestroi Wasmann
- 67. Coptotermes heimi (Wasmann)
- 68. Coptotermes kishori Roonwal and Chhotani
- 69. Coptotermes travians Haviland
- Subfamily (iii) Heterotermitinae Froggatt
- 1. Characters of Subfamily Heterotermitinae
- 2. Distribution and Composition of Heterotermitinae
- 3. Indian Region Genera of Heterotermitinae
- Genus 15. Heterotermes Froggatt
- Genus 16. Reticulitermes HOlmgren
- Subfamily (iv) Termitogetoninae Holmgren
- Subfamily (v) Rhinotermitinae Froggatt
- 1. Characters of Subfamily Rhinotermitinae
- 2. Distribution and Composition of Rhinotermitinae
- 3. Indian Region genera of Rhinotermitinae
- Genus 18. Prorhinotermes Silvestri
- Genus 19. Parrhinotermes Holmgren
- Genus 20. Schedorhinotermes Silvestri
- Family V. STYLOTERMITIDAE Holmgren and Holmgren
- 1. Characters of Family Stylotermitidae
- 2. Distribution and Composition of Stylotermitidae
- 3. Phylogeny of Stylotermitidae
- Genus 21. Stylotermes Holmgren and Holmgren
- 1. Characters of Genus Stylotermes
- 2. Distribution and Composition of Stylotermes
- 3. Indian Region Species of Stylotermes
- 88. Stylotermes ahmadi Akhtar
- 89. Stylotermes beesoni Thakur
- 90. Stylotermes bengalensis Mathur and Chhotani
- 91. Stylotermes chakratensis Mathur and Thapa
- 92. Stylotermes dunensis Thakur
- 93. Stylotermes faveolus (Chatterjee and Thakur)
- 94. Stylotermes fletcheri Holmgren and Holmgren
- 95. Stylotermes parabengalensis Maiti
- Family VI. INDOTERMITIDAE Roonwal and Sen-Sarma